Raising Goats for Beginners
The Ultimate, Step-By-Step Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Goats!
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Here's What You'll Get:
✔ 50+ Lessons and tutorial
✔ 20+ Checklists, Resource Pages and Information Sheets
✔ 3 Bonus Ebooks
✔ Members Only Facebook Group
✔ Unlimited Email and Group Support
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Are you protecting your investment?
How much is your goat herd worth?
- $200-400 (or much more) per head
- Thousands of dollars in milk over the course of their lives
- Thousands of dollars in kids- which you can save to grow your herd for free or sell for extra income
The Raising Goats for Beginner's E-Course helps you protect your investment. We give you everything you need to know to care for your goats correctly and troubleshoot illnesses. And we are available at any time to help you solve your most pressing goat problems.
What does this insurance cost? Less than the cost of replacing one goat in your herd.